6 Fundamental Things You Must Know About Root Canal Treatment

Have you been experiencing toothache recently? And it is either constant or increases when you eat sweets or drink extremely hot or cold drinks. Chances are your teeth may be infected by bad bacteria. The most common way to treat such damage is by root canal treatment.

It is an effective way to remove the decay out of your teeth and restore the damaged tooth structure. It is ideal for patients belonging to all ages and a majority of dental patients have been treated this way. If you don’t know much about root canal treatment or RCT (as it is commonly known), we will help you understand it from the basics. Let’s begin!

Here are some of the fundamental things you must know about root canal treatment before going for one.

1. What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is a method to repair the damage done to healthy teeth by bacteria. It is when the decay has reached the root canal of a tooth, it is fixed by drilling out the decay and filling the remaining tooth with supportive material. In worst cases, the decay can reach other parts of your body through the root canal as it is directly attached to the blood flow. Avoiding treatment can escalate the damage to adjacent teeth and even the pain experienced by the patient.

Sometimes if you delay your regular dental check-ups for a longer time, and do not maintain a healthy dental care routine, you may land in a situation where the bacteria feed off the sugar in your food and produce acids that damage your tooth structure. RCT helps clean the decay and restore or support the remaining tooth structure.

2. What Are the Symptoms Showing You Need RCT?

It is usually when the decay has reached the root canal that your dentist will suggest you go for root canal treatment. The amount of tooth structure damage might vary from patient to patient. And the most common symptoms proving you might need root canal treatment include:

  • Deep cavity
  • Cracked tooth
  • Loose filling inviting bacteria to develop inside
  • Painful tooth
  • Swollen gums
  • Pain while biting or chewing food
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food

3. How Is Root Canal Treatment Performed?

This is a very simple procedure that is performed in various stages. An RCT usually involves an investigation of the decay, drilling tooth to take decay out, filling the now clean tooth with appropriate dental filling material, and topping the tooth with a cap if required. Let us discuss these stages in detail.

  • Preliminary investigation

This is the stage where the dentist will evaluate the extent of damage done by the bacteria. Generally, taking X-rays of the aching tooth will help the dentist determine the position and depth of decay. Based on this information, the dentist will prepare a treatment plan that may span over a few weeks based on the level of tooth damage and the availability of tooth restoration materials.

  • Cleaning the root canal

This is considered the first step of the operative procedure where the damaged tooth is drilled down to take out the decay. First of all, the patient is given a sedative based on their preference and other medical conditions. Then, the drilling of the tooth is performed using dental drills and water sprays to clean the infected area.

  • Filling the root canal

Once the tooth is cleaned of the decay, the next step is to fill it with temporary or permanent dental filling material based on the treatment plan. A temporary filling will be provided in cases when the patient needs to wait for the final tooth restoration device. During this time, the patient is also provided with medicines to help with any discomfort or pain.

  • Adding a crown

Since the original tooth structure is drilled from the inside and there is no pulp, the tooth becomes weak in daily operations. It is advisable to cap it using dental crowns. The choice of dental crown material can be made as per the patient requirement and preference. It can be metal, ceramic, etc.

4. Is RCT Painful?

The drilling part of the root canal treatment procedure can be painful if performed without any sedative. But thanks to sedation dentistry, a suitable sedative is provided to the patient before performing the drilling down to the root of a tooth. There might be discomfort and mild pain after the drilling is over, due to the removal of the tooth pulp. The dentists provide pain-relieving medicines to be taken post-procedure as required. This helps patients endure less pain during recovery.

5. What Should You Avoid During RCT?

During an RCT, the patient must focus on the types of food and drinks being consumed. Since the drilled tooth is very delicate and the newly added filling and crown are still attaching, it is advisable to be gentle with your teeth. Some of the things to be avoided include:

  • Chewing hard food
  • Consuming extremely hot or cold food
  • Consuming extremely hot or cold drinks
  • Teeth grinding
  • Tooth abrasive drinks

6. Is There a Prevention?

The best way to prevent going to the dentist for a root canal treatment is to take very good care of your teeth and follow your dentist’s advice for maintaining good oral health. Regular dental health check-ups can help reduce your risk of developing decay and thus damaging teeth.

The Key Takeaway:

Root canal treatment is one of the oldest and effective ways to treat bacteria damaged teeth. It is also a simple procedure that requires no hospitalisation. If you have been suffering from toothache and discomfort for a long time, it is time you consulted your dentist. They can easily diagnose the requirement for root canal therapy. Never delay your regular dental appointments or stop caring for your teeth. Because it is often the smallest things you do for your dental health that help keep your teeth healthy in the long run. Contact your dentist for more information today

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