7 key benefits of digital smile design

Everyone has a different notion of what makes a perfect smile. As with clothes, what looks good on someone might not produce the same effects on someone else. Likewise, for teeth, there is no universal measure of a perfect fit smile. The only opinion that matters is your own. If you feel there is something... Continue Reading →

7 Types of Dental Restoration and Why You Need Them

Do you suffer from tooth loss? Whatever caused you to lose some of your pearly whites, we understand how you may be feeling. Losing teeth in any way is not a nice feeling. You might never smile the same again. There’s this constant anxiety of being seen with some missing teeth in your smile that... Continue Reading →

6 Quick Dental Care Tips for Adults

Consider the following quick dental tips to enable you to take your care routine to the next level. Soft-Bristled Toothbrushes: Soft bristled brushes are best for beginners because they don’t cause gingival recession. Discard Brush After Sickness: Toothbrushes can have microbial build-up. Don’t Brush too hard: Over-brushing erodes enamel and irritates the gums. After time, it... Continue Reading →

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